AMC_To your Health_Winter 2017 | Page 10

Introducing AMC Odessa

We are proud to announce the opening of AMC Odessa in early 2017 . Odessa will be AMC ’ s third major market in Ukraine , serving both the foreign and national communities with their health needs . Dr . Igor Dereviankin , VP of Development for the group : “ We are extremely excited about the Odessa site . We feel we have an incredible team of clinicians and tremendous support from the community . The clinic is wonderfully modern and comfortable in a very convenient location .”
✓ GP , specialty , and hospitalization ✓ 24 / hour physician hotel , home visits
✓ Direct international assistance and Insurance billing
✓ Local and International referrals and second-opinion
✓ 24 / hour emergency and assistance coordination
Odessa : + 38 ( 048 ) 701 40 00 / 2 Frantsusky blvd .