A unique and completely updated 101 pages / 16800 + words Training Guide full of examples and highly effective and very easy to apply Amazon Marketing techniques .
You will not get a boring PDF full of text with 20-line paragraphs . The Training guide also includes graphics , nicely formatted subtitles , and high quality information with screenshots showing how to apply every step of the process as well .
Check the segments and tips that you will discover after downloading this Training Guide ...
Introduction Section 1 : Amazon Basics
� Chapter 1 : What ’ s Amazon all about ? � Chapter 2 : Why should you care about Amazon ? � Chapter 3 : How can you make money with Amazon ?
Section 2 : The Hottest Ways to Make Money with Amazon
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Chapter 4 : Selling your products Chapter 5 : Selling your services Chapter 6 : Self-Publishing Chapter 7 : Selling with FBA Chapter 8 : Becoming an Affiliate
Section 3 : The Amazon Associates Program �
Chapter 9 : Setting Up an Amazon Affiliate Website