The Plight of Black Youth in America
Young African Americans fall victim to a
multitude of problematic circumstances adding more
encumbrance to their flight. This should serve as a
wakeup call to the masses. Young Black Americans
are progressively becoming an endangered species
and its happening right before our eyes. “We are all
unfortunate, and we all should want a better life”, it
takes living a better in order to realize life is all of
what you make of it. Changing this irrevocable path
that we have been heading down since the 1960s is
top priority on the agenda. The forces of institutional
and societal racism along with the barriers of poverty
must be eradicated.
America has turned her back for the last time!
We are living in a Renaissance as a direct paradoxical
result of Affirmative Action and the Civil Rights
movement. Once we awaken, only the transformation
will be complete. We must be the change that we
want to see in this world. The same momentum has to
be invoked as was during the most critical moment in
African American history. Instead of idolizing
misrepresentations of our community in mainstream
media, we must stop being so judgmental and
unsupportive of one another. This complacent
lifestyle of living in segregated and improvised
communities labeled as ghettos, hoods, and traps was
not a part of the dream Dr. King had. Until then, the
stigma within our community will be reinforced
hindering from advancement and paralyzing
The 2012 US Census Bureau estimated that
African Americans or Blacks account for 14.1% of
the population. And CNN projects that 13% of
African American engage in criminal or malicious
activities. For many decades there have been
exponential increases in the rates of African
Americans actively engaging in high risk behaviors,
being incarcerated and falling victim to homicides’,
of which 65% of all convictions are from African
Americans. African Americans account for 27% of all
Americans living in poverty, despite the 23% decline
in the poverty rate since 1963.
African American Plight in 2013
∞ Apathy
∞ Battered Communities
∞ Broken Family Structures
o Abuse & Neglect
o Homelessness
o Single Parent Homes
∞ Crime
∞ Disconnectedness
∞ Drugs
∞ Early Cognitive and Developmental
∞ Economic Isolation
∞ Failing Educational Institutions
∞ Heath & Wellbeing
∞ Hip-hop Culture
∞ Isolation
∞ Loss of Moral Values
∞ Negative Influences of the Media
∞ Political Efficacy
∞ Poverty
∞ Racial Injustices
∞ School To Prison Pipeline
∞ Societal Strain
∞ Teen Pregnancy
∞ Unemployment
∞ Unfair Criminal Justice System
∞ Violence