Yazmin, Najma, and Ilana Fakir
I’ve thought about writing a letter like this one many times and have never followed through;
sometimes God provides the push we need.
Yazmin, when I found out that your mom was pregnant with you back in 1993 I was like a scared
little boy without a clue what to do and how I would provide for you, so I did the only thing I
could. I followed God. You were born on a Sunday morning at 7:01 am and I’ve never been the
same. Your entrance into the world began a transformation in me that continues to this day. God
is not through with me yet.
Najma, your spirit,
intellect and candor
challenge me each and
every day; your mother
chose correctly when
she adorned you with
the name that means
“star” because you shine
brightly everywhere you
go. Always know that
you don’t need others to
illuminate you.
Ilana, you display a depth
and maturity that is
beyond your years and
I am grateful to witness
your growth. Do not let those that don’t understand or appreciate you extinguish the intellectual
fire that burns within you.
I want you all to know how proud I am of each of you. Each of you is blossoming into the beautiful
young lady that you were created to be. I encourage each of you to walk into your destiny and
to do all within your personal power to follow the inner voice of God that speaks to and guides
you. I also want to thank each of you for being (and continuing to be) a catalyst for my growth
and maturity. You may not know it but your very presence in my life has caused me to be a better
man. I thank you for loving me imperfections and all, and I look forward with anticipation to see
God’s plan come to fruition in your lives.
With more love than you know,
www.amazingwomannetwork.com AMAZING WOMEN SPEAK!