Amazing Women Speak! June 2014 June 2014 | Page 7

takes, akes no mis n upstairs m mber . The ma e. Just reme be your dad in this lifetim n selected to make a few that I was r go left whe age we may am so proud er traveled, o I in his im ad less both we are made go down a ro d I love you however as en you may r mother an s wh annot der, you e time come is that you c unter a blun that when th or just enco have learned ht ower to fe that I ave gone rig u have no p sson in this li you should h er se things yo back. One le tho on the pow ill have your worry about your energy nd always w a ons, ther exert hts, your acti change. Ra e your thoug to guid you possess ices. and your cho ful, ou are beauti ial because y u are spec dearing Kennedy, yo ving. Your en isitive, and lo t smart, inqu ers will assis ssion for oth mpa heart and co relationships long lasting ing so you in build unter. I see at you enco ess with those th you. You poss ur mother in much of yo gth. ce and stren her confiden u because yo are special d Lane, you quisitive, an ful, smart, in or. are beauti nse of hum quite the se your possess assist you in qualities will These reatness. journey to g nd happiness, a d that love, are in min . When you rselves, keep ever imagine lives for you ou could se to be As you build rther than y rumpy, choo l take you fu are feeling g e When you kindness wil red, get som to be happy. en you are ti hoose ng. Wh ace feeling sad c in, seek heali and total pe you are in pa in this world en rive a yang pleasant. Wh is what we st ist a yin and I believe this that there ex lance. rest. I believe n we find ba nce. reached whe tain your bala can only be find and main always try to r’s for in life so nally. A fathe u unconditio ve yo other know that I lo ries. Your m nt you both to out bounda a you is nd with As I close I w confer onto is limitless a is daughter advice that I in new he final loves for h tricks or obta ch as I do. T u just as mu to learn new n to loves yo ver too old at foundatio ding is a gre . We are ne g ad. Rea keep learnin et. ou love to re chance you g I know that y wledge. upon it every kno nd build sh this gift a ave, so cheri h y and Dear Kenned Lane, Love always, Daddy AMAZI