Amazing Women Speak January 2014 | Page 13

A WOMAN’S WORLD en are from mars and women are from Venus, so the saying goes. Women, so different from our male counterparts. As a woman sometimes I feel like am living in a strange world, growing up as a girl I felt out of place in my own body. As women we have our own world, sometimes it’s harsh, violent, happy but no matter how hard and different our world is one thing we women have in common is that when we step off from our harsh world and meet people we wear a ‘smile’ to hide our pain. M remove your ‘it’s okay smile’. share that nice recipe you made for dinner, go shopping together. But above all, let’s be friends, I In our world no topic is off limits, nothing is a taboo. We will talk about everything and nothing. Welcome to a woman’s world. ~Matilda Spy AMAZING WOMEN SPEAK! 13