Amazing Women Speak! February 2014 | Page 2

A word from the founder It’s Black History Month, a time designated to celebrate incredible people of color in our history. Most common you hear stories of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Malcolm X, even though there are hosts of “black” people that have helped to shape the world that should be honored always. Content 04 Amazing Women in Black History 06 iSave to be FREE Campaign 07 Love Expressed Boldly 07 Lancers Gap It’s amazing that we still live in a world that finds it necessary to decolorize it’s history. If it were not for the presence of people of color, the world would not be as advanced as it is today. This month and every month that follows, I would like you to embrace those that don’t look like you. Understand that although we have different skin color, we are all connected. We all have the same spirit residing in us and when we hate another, we hate ourselves. When we disrespect another, we disrespect ourselves. When another one fails, we all ultimately fail. 08 Amazing Woman Spotlight - Bakhwi Kablay Remember, we all belong to the same race - the human race and until our collective consciousness changes and we truly love our neighbors as ourselves, we will continue to see war, poverty, disease and disaster and we will never become the great nation intended by the Creator. Everyone wants to see the world get better. It all starts with you and me! Be the change you wish to see in the world. 10 30 Days of Love 11 As I Began to Love Myself 12 Amazing Woman Pledge Make it Amazing. 2 AMAZING WOMEN SPEAK!