Amateur Astrophotography ISSUE 03 Issue 02 | Page 3

ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY AMATEUR Welcome to issue 02 of the Amateur Astro-photography E-Magazine. I hope you enjoyed issue 01 that I published as a 'taster' publication to see what if any attention it may have had. Well nobody could have been more shocked than I when after the first week the Ezine had been viewed over 28,000 times to a world wide audience. 8 A Jouney Through Astrophotography by Bryan Pablo 12 Chris Sinclair Astrophotography 14 The Testing of Astronomical Telescope Optics 20 This issue’s DSOThe Horsehead Nebula I would firstly like to thank everyone that forwarded their images and articles to be submitted within the pages of this publication. I understand the amount of time and effort you all put into helping me create this publication which really has seemed to have taken off, for this I thank you. I really do appreciate it. 24 Amazing Sky Photography - Alan Dyer This being the second issue, I hope you find more pages with much more interesting articles and images all forwarded to me by fellow amateur astro-photographers. 34 Canon 350D Modded by Jay Bird Myself I am very much a novice in this field, but now find astro-phototgraphy, much more of an obsession than a hobby or past time. Over the years I have produced several publications, some of which I sold and are still going today. I thought as there was not a single amateur astro-photography magazine in the UK dedicated to astro-photography alone that I could find, that maybe I should change this. My original plan was to eventually put this publication to print, but with over 66,000 views world wide online in it’s 1st monthvia lap tops, PC's but mainly mobile devices, I decided that I would never reach such a wide audience in a printed format, so I am going to keep the publication online. Well here is issue 02. I hope you enjoy the articles and images sent in by fellow amateur astro-photographers, just like you and I. 29 The Hunter Becomes The Hunted by Joe Kilker 33 Our Moon and Bryan Pablo PLUS LOTS MORE TOO Website: Email: [email protected] Flickr: Twitter: @AmateurAstroMag Facebook: Horse Head Nebula cover image by Bryan Pablo