AM Exclusive Technicity Newsletter Issue 9 Small Business Leaders Edition | Page 3

Businesses Doing Good - SIERRA NEVADA BREWING CO . -


’ ve enjoyed many Sierra Nevada beers over the years , but it wasn ’ t until this summer that I noticed their tagline “ Family Owned , Operated , and Argued Over .” ( If you read the cover article , you will understand how we could relate !). They ’ re very focused on using their resources wisely , keeping the environment top of mind . Over the years , they have passed up chances to brew more easily and cheaply in an effort not to shortchange their values . In the last couple of years , they have started an initiative , “ Take Back Our Trails .” Through advocacy and employee and customer initiatives , they work to keep our country ’ s trail systems litter free and healthy for generations to come .


If you ’ re running into issues with you and your employees working from home
( i . e ., PCs running slow , having trouble accessing or sharing large files , missing client calls to your office line , etc .)
Contact us to schedule a free , no-obligation consultation with one of our senior IT Engineers .
Call 718-690-2044 Ext . 3 or e-mail itsupport @ amexclusive . com .