January 2020
IT Leader Edition
Business Technology + sychronicity
It’s not joy that makes us grateful,
it’s gratitude that makes us joyful.
– David Steindl-Rast
ith busy work days naturally focusing our
attention on tasks that have not yet been
completed and issues that are not yet
resolved, taking moments to express gratitude
is easily missed. Yet it can be a powerful tool
to create a joyful attitude, and when we find a way to be
joyful, everything comes easier.
It is because of connections like yours that our company
has been able to exist since 1986—and I am so grateful for
the people that make up A M Exclusive who I am able to
work with every day!
To kick of 2020, I want to take this time to express
gratitude for your connection with A M Exclusive—
however you found us (or we found you!) along the way.
Wishing You Joy,
- Jaclyn Morse, Vice President
Cybersecurity Stumps Jeopardy’s All-Time Greatest
n mid-January, Jeopardy brought back some its smartest, winningest
contestants—and they got a D- in the “Cybersecurity” category, getting only
60 percent of these five questions correct. What is most interesting is the
contestants didn’t just get 40 percent wrong, they had no response for the
following questions:
Q: Companies consider cybersecurity when instructing employees with a
policy on BYOD, short for this.
A: What Is Bring Your Own Device?
Q: Beware of these types of programs that track every stroke you make while
typing in an effort to glean your password.
A: What Is Keylogging?
This means that the most basic cybersecurity concepts were unknown to
literal geniuses. Keep this thought in mind when you are trying to explain
cybersecurity issues to other business leaders, especially when you need them
to spend more money!