AM Exclusive Technicity Newsletter Issue 4 | Page 3

HOW TO BRING MINDFULNESS TO WORK BY: ARASELE NAZARIO, ACCOUNTING MANAGER, A M EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you.” ~ Anne Lamott M indfulness is the psychological process of purposely bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment. Our minds are constantly running with thoughts of work and life issues, all of which affect our performance due to the many things that are competing for our attention. It causes us to never really be present nor be effective. If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. Letting go is an art that we all should learn to master. John Wooden said, “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.” So how do you bring mindfulness to the workplace? Here are some ideas: • Be kind to yourself and to others. Everyone can have a bad day and sometimes a bad week or month. Always keep in mind that there can be something going on in someone’s life that we are not fully aware of that can be affecting how they react to you in the workplace. • Take a mindful pause. Sometimes you need to disconnect from everything, even if it’s for five minutes. Anne Lamott, a writer and public speaker, said, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you.” Taking breaks is healthy and it helps you recharge. • Practice gratitude. People who practice gratitude are happier. Take the time to think about the good things that are going on around you and in your own life. Be thankful for the help of others and let it be known. Make a list of your own accomplishments and feel good about it. • Don’t multi-task; uni- task. Multitasking drains your battery. It’s like your smartphone. When you have several apps open at the same time, your battery life is affected. You must close all the apps except the one you are currently using to conserve energy. At the end of your workday, make sure to take some time to think of the amazing things that happened and to be grateful for them. We can’t stop unpleasant things from happening, but it helps to analyze them and learn how to make them better next time around. It helps to start the next morning with great expectations. Ask yourself, what would make today great?