Alzar School Curriculum Guide Alzar School Curriculum Guide 2021-2022 | Page 7

Assessments and Transcripts :

During a semester at Alzar School , students will be assessed by a variety of means . Faculty work to use authentic and innovative evaluations of student performance , while also preparing students for required standardized testing . Examples of summative assessments include : quizzes , tests , essays , speeches , performance tasks , projects , portfolios , research papers , presentations , and authentic assessments .
Alzar School transcripts include Honors or AP labels as appropriate , but do not reflect weighted grades . Official transcripts note that our transcript reports unweighted grades . Most sending schools incorporate our grades into their own weighted system , and thus , overall GPA . Sending schools sometimes opt to leave the student ’ s Alzar School transcript as a second , separate transcript . It is the family ’ s responsibility to ascertain how the Alzar School transcript will be processed by the sending school .
Coursework is graded on a traditional letter grade and percentage scale : 90-100 % A 80-89 % B 70-79 % C 60-69 % D 0-59 % F
In order to encourage students ’ best efforts and full participation , all classes attended and grades earned will be reported on the official Alzar School transcript . If a student has unique curricular needs , the family should request an alternative arrangement for the student ’ s transcript before the start of the semester . Examples include taking a class Pass / Fail , or omitting a class from the transcript . These requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis . Please direct requests or questions to studies @ alzarschool . org .