Alvarado, Texas Guide 2023 | Page 31

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People turn to us more than all other media combined to find out what ’ s happening in Johnson County .

Scouts take three-day trek at Lake Georgetown
8 Jackets earn AD honors
SATURDAY , JANUARY 30 , 2021 | cleburnetimesreview . com | $ 1.50
Cleburne economy good despite CO
Cleburne Economic Development Manager Grady Easdon , in delivery the final quarterly update for last year , quipped that 2020 was a very different year to say the least .
Despite the roller coaster of economic downturn , widespread shut downs and a worldwide pandemic still ongoing Cleburne fared fairly well all things considered , Easdon added .
“ I think we all still have some fear of the unknown ,” Easdon said . “ But I think there ’ s also a feeling of measured optimism for this coming year and that we ’ re cautiously optimistic about what 2021 holds and feel pretty good about where we are right now given the circumstances .”
Easdon delivered his update during Tuesday night ’ s meeting of the Cleburne City Council .
Several business opened last year including Harbor Freight Tools , McAlister ’ s Deli and Chick-fil-A and more including
Aldi ’ s Grocery Store , are on the way .
The pandemic had little effect on home building last year , which , as in recent years past , remains robust , Easdon said .
The city issued 14 new singlefamily residential permits in December , compared to 16 in December 2019 and four new multi-family residential per-
Most vaccine Johnson Managem Moore sa
Moore , the vacc
responders 6 5 a n d older and / o r t h o s e older than 1 6 w i t h u n d e r l y - ing medical conditions . M o o r e g u e s s - t i m a t e d summer as
Lisa Magers | Cleburne ISD
Two-Way Dual Language kindergarten students Zoee Vance , left and Aiden Bailon work together on their reading skills — in Spanish . Information on the Two-Way Dual Language program for parents of incoming kindergartners will be presented virtually on Tuesday at 6:30 p . m .

Virtual meeting time

Two-way dual language kindergarten program meeting Tuesday t he likely date for wider av the general public
“[ Dr . Anthony F TV today saying m or May ,” Moore s think that may be o mistic and it ’ s prob to be mid summer . ing there are about 3
Parents of incoming kindergartners for the 2021-22 school year will have the opportunity to learn more about the Two-Way Dual Language program available at Irving Elementary School — if they Zoom in Tuesday evening .
A webinar for parents detailing information on the program students
Virtual meeting
The virtual meeting for parents of incoming kindergartners for the 2021-22 school year to learn about the Two-Way Dual Language program begins at 6:30 p . m . Tuesday . while modeling the Spanish language for English students . The program is used as an enrichment model , allowing all participants the opportunity to acquire a new language from native speaking peers in developing fluency and literacy in English and
The p be a long-haul proces Even w ith only groups eligible to rec vaccine shortages con pose a challenge , Moor
“ It ’ s not a matter o governments not being tive ,” Moore said . “ It ’ s a of we ’ re not getting vacc
Johnson County , po

817-645-2441 • cleburnetimesreview . com 108 S . Anglin St ., Cleburne , TX 76033