Few years later I moved to London, I discovered the 5 Rhythms and Movement Medicine. When I met my teacher Susannah, I immediately fell in love with her words, heart and presence; there was something in her that I admired and strongly resonated with me and I thought ‘I want to be like her… she has the strength to speak from her heart.’ Few months after, I enrolled in Initiation, a 10 day workshop in Devon. I was terrified, as I never went to an event like that by myself. It was a very intense experience. I went so much into feeling and connecting to the parts of myself which I never accessed before, that I could feel an enormous grief and physical pain, particularly when I was dancing in connection to female and male ancestors. I remember saying to an assistant there that I had pain inside, in my cells. After that workshop, as we sang a lot, I felt I found my voice. I never studied to sing, I liked having a very raw and primal relationship with my voice. I have my grandmother`s voice. She was a half soprano and never allowed to continue singing (after WWII artists in little Italy weren’t considered “good” women). I use my voice also for her, to connect to my ancestors and to all women behind me who have been muted, and couldn’t use their creativity. Few weeks after Initiation a lump started growing on my chest, at the heart level and few weeks after it had the size of an apple. I was in pain and was misdiagnosed few times. After going to several doctors, I was diagnosed with a Non `Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I was 33. My mum died when she was 34. I had accessed a deep part of myself that was holding grief and old stories. I never thought about cancer as an illness or disease: I thought it was a mechanism of the body to heal, to do its things and to show where my attention needed to go (on the heart).