The Circle, symbol of life cycles, cultural innovation and spiritual transformation.
We can find no image more familiar than a circle.
Its simple structure is seen as physical (rings, the
wheel), verbal (talking in circles), celestial (the moon,
planets). It describes frustration (going in circles), joy
(circle of friends). It explains life (minstrel cycles),
death (returning to the earth).
The circle and it's meaning is the symbolic center of
everything we know about being alive. Therefore it
withstands reason that a symbol that explains so much of
our physical existence could also have something to do
with explaining the evolution of the human soul
The three great religions of the west (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) speak of a religious model
based on the principles of a straight line. This model says that we are born, have one life to live and at
it's end will face an ultimate moment where spiritual life fragments. At death we either win or lose.
From an energetic point of view this philosophical model loses all momentum...and creating
momentum is at the core of the philosophical principles of the circle.
1. BIRTH - The Gift Of Immortality And Magic
2. PUBERTY - A Preparation For Life; Jupiter return (approx age 12) Initiation into and
establishment of core belief system; beginning to think for yourself.
3. SEXUAL INITIATION - The Touch Of Passion; 2nd Saturn square (age 21) Leaving home or
"leaving the mother", making choices, becoming independent and/or rebellious.
4. SEPARATION FROM THE FEMININE - The First Threshold; 2nd Jupiter Return (24) Feeling
like you can "master the world". Time of initiation.
5. ALLIANCE WITH THE MASCULINE - The Father Quest; Nodal Return & Saturn Return
(approx age 27-34) Completion of the structural development of the self. Desire to accomplish in
the world, to make "your" mark..
6. THE REALIZATION OF BETRAYAL - The Myth Of Success;; 3rd Jupiter Return (35-38)
Consolidating core belief systems, beginning to question the underpinnings of family and cultural
belief systems. Quest for deeper core belief systems. Saturn square Saturn: Ego de-structuring
(preparation for Mid-Birth).
7. MID BIRTH - A Spiritual Birth Into Our Power; Uranus Opposition (approx age 39-44)
Opening to the Self, ego liberation and questing for the Authentic Self. What is hidden comes out.
Pluto Square; Challenge to face bullshit inside and out. Intense detox from false self, death of the
false self. Neptune Square: Ego dissolution. Looking at levels not linear, the Mystery. Ego needs to
surrender the illusion of control. Come to terms with dreams... what can you really believe in?
Time is disillusionment.