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The Pisces Full Moon on Sept 19 was a powerful portal
for our spiritual growth.
Neptune is Pisces' ruling planet. Neptune can take you beyond the boundaries of time space reality. Experience a
breakthrough into higher consciousness by seeing the bigger picture of your life. You are a great spiritual being
having a human experience. Dream and envision the world as you would want it to be. See and feel world peace
happening. That is a world living in harmony and partnership.
What do you dream about?
The Pisces Moon is about faith, spirituality and intuition. You are being asked to dream, meditate and be creative.
Sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Be in
nature as this will nurture you. Have compassion for yourself and others. Spiritual growth is real and real growth can
feel painful. Intuitive and psychic muscles are being developed. You may experience psychic moments. Trust your
intuition...your gut instincts. The ego (edges God out) mind can keep us in fear. Your Higher Self is never in fear.
The Pisces Moon is about faith, spirituality and intuition. You are being asked to dream, meditate and be creative.
Sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Be in
nature as this will nurture you. Have compassion for yourself and others. Spiritual growth is real and real growth can
feel painful. Intuitive and psychic muscles are being developed. You may experience psychic moments. Trust your
intuition...your gut instincts. The ego (edges God out) mind can keep us in fear. Your Higher Self is never in fear.
Do you think about things that have no rhyme or reason?
Do you think about things that don't matter?
Do you worry?
Do you have self-doubt?
This is the voice of your ego. Your ego creates unnecessary mental stress and headaches.
The brain is fundamental to the nervous system and directly affects it. The less we stress
the better we feel. Don't we do better when we feel better?
When you find yourself mentally exhausted or feeling frustrated do a clean slate with
your mind. Distract yourself. The human mind can only think about one thing at a
time. It is healthier to think of nothing than to worry. This will give you energy. It
creates balance and symmetry in your mind, body and spirit. A strong physical workout
can exhaust the body and mind so that you rest and sleep better. This soothes your
nervous system, your brain. Do what balances you. You are supporting your faith in God,
yourself and your ascension. We can either come from love or fear.
Photo © Suzana Grau
Choose love... it is our secret weapon. Love is more powerful than hate.