'Through my extensive workshops and deep retreats with women I consistently see fear of unleashing very
deep emotions and womb stories. On my recently released 'Emotional Cleansing' CD - I offer a journey
through 5 emotions that women are constantly battling with:
GRIEF because it is so hard for women to release.
ANGER because many women deal with it on a daily basis.
FEAR because women make themselves small out of it.
LONGING because so many women long to be with the men and the
energy is misdirected outwards rather then grow inside, because
longing is one of the great doors into the source.
ECSTASY because this is our true nature, and there are not too many
reflections in the world on true ecstasy and how to open that state
in a woman.
Through vocal practices we recover the natural energy flow and bring sensitivity back to the center
of feminine nature. Also other way round, many women who had strong negative experience feel that
their throat is blocked as someone actually physically holds and squeezes it. Through these practices
we release tensions, re-learn to express freely in the World and open up to the possibility of deep
orgasmic, freeing and unifying potential stored within ourselves.
Through vibration we can tune ourselves to the healing and potent energy of Mother Earth, that is a source
of enourmous primal and sexual energy that gives us power to heal and realign ourselves to our original
state. One woman surrendering to the source creates an ecstatic synergy effect, invoking the same state
in all women in the field. It penetrates her body on a cellular level and restores her to her original nature.
It unifies the women and reinstates trust in the sisterhood.'
Peruquois’ vision is to create these vortexes all around the Globe for women to have a direct experience
of their original, sensual and awakened essence. A great communion of women pulsing together as One.
Peruquois' tour dates;
25 /9/ 2013, Riga, Latvia
28 /9/ 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania
WORKSHOP Voice of the Sacred Feminine — Women's Mysteries
28 /9/ 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania
26 & 27 /10/ 2013, Yekaterinburg, Russia
For music and dates of Peruquois' future concerts and workshops visit:
'One of the most beautiful facts about music is that it glides your being into silence and stillness without
any effort, all you have to do is to be in tune with it. Through music you instantly bypass layers and years of
conditionings and are dropped in pure state of pristine receptivity of existence. You arrive back at your
source, to love, to beauty, to an eternal spring that simply nourishes life...'
With Love,