We honour our life by knowing that we are the creators of the following moment. Knowledge about our
creative powers is all around us. Maybe it was hidden for some time, maybe we weren't ready to own it.
But it is available to us. We have the choice. We can create the experience (!) that we deeply desire. We
choose it by choosing our predominant thoughts, we influence it by deciding how much energy and time
we will dedicate to the selected thoughts.
When you find yourself being somewhere in the past or future gently bring yourself back to the present.
Replace those thoughts with more creative, confident, reassuring ones.
The MORE that we are the CREATOR, the LESS we are the VICTIM. By being a creator we start giving,
enriching the lives of others. Consequently we enrich our own life. We become an adult. A child receives
and an adult is giving.
We honour our life, by being a creator and co-creator of our
relationships with parents, teachers, colleagues, boss, politics,
ideologies, plants, nature and Earth. Understanding that it's all
part of us and not separated using our creative powers for the
best possible outcome of all involved.
The miracle happens, when we are ready to take full
responsibility for all experiences in our life. Then we become a
creator in its fullest potential. With total confidence in our own
ways, abilities, dreams and desires.
Photo © Gregor Guštin
There is another level of honouring life. We honour everybody that came before us: our parents, their
parents, great grandparents and so on, with all the brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles to many many
generations back. This way we see that we don’t own the life.
Life is running thru us like a river. It comes from somewhere far, far behind.
We recognize that absolutely everybody did exactly everything the right way and all the things they didn’t
do, so that we could be living right here, right now.
And we should take into our sight and our heart all those who influenced the flow of life from the outside
by their action and inaction, by their presence and absence. This could be soldiers from many wars they
fought through history, murdurers or just ordinary people that did small (or big) things, important enough
to change the flow of this river of life through our family trees.
When somebody is denied the right to be in the system that he or she was part of, whenever a person is
excluded from family because it did something “wrong”, did not behave the way “it should”, did not marry
the person “it should” or was not good enough, was different and not accepted by contemporary rules,
there is a separation. Every pain is a separation, every disease is a separation.
Whatever was separated and wants to be together will find a way to get together again.
I learned the importance of this and how to rejoin what was once separated even generations back
through the work of Bert Hellinger and his Family constellations. I use this method as a main tool that
helps me and others to resolve conflicts and problems in life.