Buddy Boor
Studio Art, 2011
Buddy Boor
Internships were crucial in teaching
BFA – Studio Art/
me that effective design can’t be
Graphic Design, 2011
made in a vacuum. My classes
taught me theory and methodology,
while jobs forced me to learn
Chicago, Illinois
software. Too many students were
It’s the CAL faculty that really did
it for me. In the Art Department,
almost all my instructors were
sitting around waiting to learn
programs in school when that’s
really not what it’s for.
receptive to my ideas, but went the
Students, I definitely suggest getting
extra mile to push me out of my
an internship or college job to grab
comfort zone.
experience outside of the classroom.
I’m currently half the design team
at Mightybytes, a small sustainable
web design firm in Chicago. I spend
most of my time focusing on nailing
the right user experience and visual
I’ve worked some pretty great
internships, but some pretty crap
ones, too, so just make sure that
a job really aligns with what you
want to do.
design for our clients’ websites.
Just don’t be so scared, and do what
We consider sustainability in every
you want. I was shaking in my boots
design decision we make in order
when I graduated, but just put your
to reduce server emissions. I’m
mind to where you want to be and
also kicking off a creative studio,
you’ll be fine. And experiment! Not
Other Things, with a CAL colleague.
doing so will ruin you.