AlumNews-2023 2023 | Page 22


Alumni Return to Campus for Speakers , Networking and University Updates at


Marvin Tazelaar (’ 88 ), Dr . James F . Winterstein (’ 68 ) President Emeritus , Mrs . Cynthia Winterstein and President Stiefel take a moment to reminisce about their time at National .
National University of Health Sciences ( NUHS ) welcomed back alumni during Homecoming 2023 . This year ’ s theme was “ Welcome Home .”
“ The theme encompasses that nostalgia and reminiscing moment for our alums ,” said Katrina Rieger , Assistant Director of Alumni and Development . “ This is where their journey began .”
Alumni enjoyed two days filled with guest speakers , networking and reminiscing with past classmates .
Alumni also gained continuing education hours in the fields of chiropractic , naturopathic , acupuncture and herbal medicine professions .
The speakers included Lauren Teisser , ND , and Jill Crista , ND , both well-known for their expertise on health issues involving mold . Robert G . Silverman , DC , MS , DABCN , DCBCN , a functional nutrition expert , provided three lectures along with a book signing for his latest book . About 30 different vendors participated in the exhibitor hall .