Air Cadet Organization. Eventually the ADCC was reorganised into the ATC and the Air
Sections of the OTC eventually melted into the ATC also.
The service was excellent, with beautiful choir
singing. There was also a
communion service, symbolising the Sacrifice of the
Cross, which helped to draw
an analogy for cadets about
the sacrifice that cadets must
make for their squadron and
their fellow cadets. The
squadron was very involved
with the service, with Corporal Boyle and Sergeant Mathias reading the prayer;
Sergeant Mathias leading the
banner party and Cadet N.
Willey and Corporal Tolog
taking part in the Offertory
At the end of the service
we all filed out to receive a
well-earned rest and snack. I
think we were all proud of
what we had taken part in
and look forward to the next
parade, though perhaps none
shall be as personal or uniting as the one we have taken
part in this year. ●
L-R: Cadet Wassermann, Cadet M. Kenney and Corporal Tolog
Photos courtesy of Pete Williams