Dear Reader,
This year annual report message we would like to start with
the quote ‘’Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the
only thing that ever has.” Moreover, we dedicate this report
to the change makers and change itself without which
there is no progress! Alternativi has been going through
a major transformation over the past years and it is not
easy to assess the transformation impact from one single
year’s results, but when looking back, it becomes clear
just how much has changed. The 2018 was very important
as we have done many things for the first time-we have
opened our very own youth center called The Place, we
have hosted our first group EVS with 28 young people, we
have coordinated our very first KA2 Strategic partnership
project and most of all-we did it well. We are very proud
with expanding our network on already 4 continents and
provide quality youth information to thousands of young
people all over the world. We strengthen the cooperation with organizations from Europe,
Asia, Middle east and North African countries as well as South America by the various
activities we’ve implemented. Our teams feels engaged and empowered to always do
better and push our shared ambitions to greater heights. Our transformation journey will
continue to build from what we have been achieving. Moreover, Alternativi was once
again awarded for high quality project management by the Bulgarian National Agency for
Erasmus+ and the Ministry of Education. We
have conducted various educational activities
on local and international level, inspired
thousands of young people to make a change
themselves and get active and we spread peace
and tolerance.
Being one of the most known organization in
Bulgaria is a privilege for us and it serves as
motivation for us to go beyond in 2019.
We want to thank our team member,
volunteers, partners and other shareholders for
their continued trust, for their commitment,
energy and irrepressible drive to always
improve and reach for the stars!
Georgi Kuzmanov & Petya Kulina
CEOs and Founders