Alternativi International Annual Report 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | Page 15

The direct target group of the project will be Adult Educators involved in adult learning who will upgrade their digital skills and use of technology, whereas the indirect target group is adult learners, who will benefit from digitally Adult Educators through the provision of high quality adult learning. Extending and developing educators’ competences, particularly in the effective use of ICT in adult learning, for better outreach and improved learning outcomes is one of the key objectives of the Erasmus+ adult programme for 2018. The necessity to conduct this project transnationally is due to our intention to increase the capacity of action in the current context of adult educators and to bridge the adult digital skills gap between. In addition, the project also supports the EU’s role in tackling this issue such as the “Upskilling Pathways Initiative” adopted in 2016, which enables adults who did not learn to read, write, count or did not acquire digital skills in school to do so later in life.