“ This is a strong University program which trains students to become professional theatre practitioners .”
THEATRE OF THE BIG BEND Promises a Challenging , Exciting Season
By Steve Lang
As shows , sets , and casts change , the Theatre of the Big Bend ( ToBB ) continues to entertain and educate . To celebrate its fifty-first year , ToBB will offer two productions . Charlotte ’ s Web , based on E . B . White ’ s beloved book , will begin a nine-performance run on June 17 . Monty Python ’ s Spamalot , based on the hilarious motion picture Monty Python and the Holy Grail , will open July 1 , with weekend performances through July 24 . Both productions will be performed at Kokernot Outdoor Theatre , including a Fourth of July weekend “ doubleheader .”
“ It ’ s [ the schedule ] aggressive ,” said Dona Roman , Sul Ross State University professor of Theatre and ToBB director . “ Both shows will run July 2 and 3 . After Charlotte ’ s Web in the afternoon , we flip the set , crew and actors and run Spamalot at night . It ’ s nuts , but it gives the cast and crew experience about what repertory theatre is about . It ’ s also a great box-office opportunity , as we always do well on the Fourth of July weekend .” With renovation of the historic Kokernot Amphitheatre still in progress , this summer ’ s shows will share space in the Outdoor Theatre . “ This is probably our greatest challenge production-wise ,” said Roman , noting some significant spatial changes . The orchestra pit will be braced and covered with canvas , extending the stage . The orchestra will be situated at the rear of the stage and subsequently sheltered from inclement weather .
“ The settings for the shows are somewhat similar ,” Roman said . “ Charlotte ’ s Web is based in Maine and Spamalot in the English countryside , so both have a lush green appearance . We will transform the sets [ for the respective shows ] with appropriate pieces of scenery – such as a barn for Charlotte and the holy grail for Spamalot .”
Roman calls ToBB an outreach program . “ We [ Sul Ross Theatre Department ] are so fortunate to have the luxury of picking diverse shows during the academic year . Summer is a
gift to the community . The Theatre of the Big Bend has always been a significant tourism draw , and we are extremely grateful for the cooperation of the City of Alpine and sponsoring businesses for their support .”
She added that about half of the ToBB audience comes from outside the tri-county ( Brewster , Jeff Davis and Presidio ) area , which remains a boon for Alpine ’ s hospitality industry .
“ Summer theatre is an incredible value-add to our curriculum ,” Roman said . “ This is a strong university theatre program which trains students to become professional theatre practitioners . The Theatre of the Big Bend ’ s intern and guest artist programs provide additional experience and enhance the quality of the productions ; and this summer , we are offering two shows that are funny and family friendly .”
While the ToBB shows go on , a concentrated fundraising effort is well underway to upgrade facilities . Thus far , over $ 70,000 has been raised toward a $ 300,000 , three-phase goal to renovate the Kokernot Amphitheatre . The amphitheater , a 1930s Works Progress Administration ( WPA ) project , has not been used for stage productions since 2010 , due to
lack of ADA compliance . Upgrades will include total accessibility to the theatre and restrooms , as well as full compliance for the hearing impaired . Roman said current projections call for the facility to be ready to host public events by summer 2017 .
Replacing the Outdoor Theatre will follow . “ Right now , it ’ s held together by paint , duct tape and love ,” Roman laughed .
“ This is a strong University program which trains students to become professional theatre practitioners .”
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