Alpine, Texas Community Guide 2014 | Page 34


Public Schools Alpine Independent School District 704 W . Sul Ross Ave . Alpine , Texas 79830 ( 432 ) 837-7700 www . alpine . esc18 . net
Mission : Alpine ISD will provide our children with learning experiences to be responsible , productive and successful citizens of an ever-changing world .
Children can experience a first-class education in a warm and friendly setting which only a small town can provide . The Alpine Independent School District encompasses about 1,925 square miles in Brewster County . School board members are elected from single member districts . Current enrollment at AISD is 1,090 students , on three campuses : Elementary , Middle School , and High School . The current student demographic mix is Anglo 32 %; Hispanic 66 %; and Other 2 %. The average student / teacher ratio is approximately 12 to 1 . Alpine ISD is consistently rated as a “ Recognized ” district and the high School has attained rating as a National Blue Ribbon School .
Sul Ross Range Animal Science Center
Sul Ross Campus
Private Schools Alpine Christian School 402 E . Holland Ave ., Alpine , Texas 79830 ( 432 ) 837-5757 www . alpinechristianschool . com
Alpine Christian School , founded in 2004 with a current enrollment of nearly 100 students , provides education for Bridge K through the 12th Grade for families of Alpine , Marfa , and Fort Davis . ACS is a member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools and uses proven , classical education techniques based on a Biblical worldview .
Alpine Montessori School 908 N . 6th St ., Alpine , Texas 79830 ( 432 ) 837-2173 www . alpinemontessori . org
Established in 1989 , Alpine Montessori School today has two campuses in Alpine serving families from Alpine , Fort Davis , Marathon and Marfa . The primary campus offers curriculum for ages 3-6 and the elementary campus offers curriculum for ages 6-9 and 9-12 .
University Sul Ross State University P . O . Box C-119 , Alpine , Texas 79832 ( 432 ) 837-8432 www . sulross . edu
Sul Ross State University boasts a combination of small class size , an appreciation of both fine arts and the sciences , as well as popular professional programs in a relaxed , friendly environment . As a coeducational , comprehensive , public institution of higher education , SRSU offers certificate programs and associate , bachelor ’ s and masters ’ degree programs . The university offers 36 undergraduate programs and 23 graduate programs .
SRSU comprises 647 acres and boasts a beautiful 93-acre campus and also has a 468-acre working ranch that serves the animal sciences program . There are three satellite campuses , in Del Rio , Uvalde and Eagle Pass .
2013 Alpine High School Homecoming Court ( L-R ) Felina Ramos , Erin Gallego , Sydney McCallister , Taylor Hunt , Olivia Murray , Cristi Upshaw -2013 Queen , Luciana Rios , Brianna Macias , Helen Morrow , Alayna Ramirez
Alpine Bucks Football
Key facilities of SRSU include :
• Archives of the Big Bend
• Center for Big Bend Studies
• Chihuahuan Desert Resource Conservation and Development
• Museum of the Big Bend
• Minority and Small Business Development Center
Photos by Dana Jones
Athletic teams compete in the American Southwest Conference . Rodeo is a significant part of the SRSU program and the university is the birthplace of the prestigious National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association ( NIRA ). See more on page 20 .
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