Providing a mountaintop
encounter with Jesus Christ
through Christian camping
FA L L 2 0 1 7
What a
Su m r !
e are still celebrating a fruitful and dynamic
2017 summer of full-to-overflowing program
camps. “Operation 490” was the theme
driving each week. Based on Matthew 18: 21-22,
the theme put hands and feet to Jesus’ answer to
the disciples’ question on how many times to forgive
someone: “70 x 7!” Yikes! Is that even possible?
Well, forgiveness is a powerful action…and many
campers responded in some ways. Lauren, a high school
student, had been bullied by several friends who turned
on her during recent years. At Alpine, the transformational
message of Operation 490 took hold through the speaker,
the worship and cabin discussions. Lauren made a
decision on Wednesday of her week at camp to call those
four former friends to forgive them. She left her message
with two of those friends, and spoke directly with the
other two. There was forgiveness and reconciliation that
day! Lauren saw forgiveness as a first step, and planned to
walk that out moving forward.
Forgiveness is a crucial life lesson. For Lauren
and others, the Alpine experience was the
springboard for putting that lesson into action.
ur future will be most fruitful if its roots
are well nourished by our past.” Alpine’s
60th Anniversary Reunion and Celebration
September 15–17 certainly clarified its original story
through our founding fathers’ testimonies, and connected
our current staff to the people who embodied its original
purpose of helping churches disciple their children.
Gaining insight from the past has energized the staff
and supporters of the present.
(continued to next page)
Time to
reminisce with
friends from
Alpine’s rich
Worship and
Fun and
Do you recogn
these staff fro
Over the year
it is servant
leaders like
these that
Alpine guests
have come
to love.