SUE: I was tired all the time and
I was rapidly gaining weight. I was
pretty disgusted with how things were
going. I started researching treatment
options and decided to come to Allure
for HRT. I had a lot more energy
after starting treatment. In fact, I
joined a weight-loss program and lost
92 pounds. Prior to HRT, no matter
what I did, I couldn’t lose weight.
CANDACE: It all began for me
about a year and a half ago when the
weight gain started. Then I started
getting anxiety and panic attacks out
of nowhere, I wasn’t sleeping at night,
and I was losing my hair. The doctors
I had been seeing were making me
feel like I was nuts! They’d ask if I
was still having periods and I was.
No one ever said, “You can have
all of the symptoms of menopause
and still have periods.” It’s called
perimenopause, but nobody ever
talks about it. This went on for a year.
I thought I was going crazy. Doctors
kept telling me to take Zoloft.
NICOLE: I had a hysterectomy at
a young age, and when you’ve had
a hysterectomy, doctors just want
to give you antidepressants. You’re
thinking, “But I’m not depressed! At
least, I don’t think I am.” But after
several doctors in a row tell you that
your symptoms are due to depression,
you start thinking, “Well, maybe I am
depressed?” I didn’t fill those scripts,
though. I tried taking black cohosh
and evening primrose to alleviate my
symptoms, and they helped a little,
but then I