ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Spring 2018 | Page 3

Get more out of all•u! all•u is now interactive with extended digital material! We’ve placed scannable codes throughout the magazine that will allow you to access to exclusive offers, personal stories, videos and much more. How does it work? Open your phones camera, point it at the QR code and a window will pop up for you to click. “I’m 47 and a busy mother of 3, diet and exercise was something I struggled with, trying various yo-yo diets with no success. Orbera was perfect for me, no downtime, no sedation the procedure was quick and I’m down 13 pounds so far!” Helps You Quickly Lose 3X More Weight Than Diet & Exercise Alone - Shawna Allure Patient See Shawna’s full story & balloon insertion! Scan the code below 2018 SPRING 3