ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 13

1. DANCE   10. Dance in the kitchen, dance while folding laundry, or dance with your kids. Just crank up the music and have fun with it! Take a five-minute break to stretch your legs and squeeze in a few tricep dips at your desk to feel reinvigorated. TAKE THE DOG FOR A WALK TRICEP DIPS AT YOUR DESK   2.   11. Fido will love the extra time at the park as much as you’ll love getting some fresh air and extra steps. Between the tilling, digging, weed pulling, watering and harvesting, growing a garden is a daily workout where you’ll reap the reward of healthy food, too.   3.   12. PARK AT THE BACK OF THE PARKING LOT Forget circling the parking lot like a shark for the nearest open spot to the door. Get in a few extra steps by parking farther away.   4. TAKE THE STAIRS You’ve heard this tip a million times, but it’s true: Taking the stairs burns more calories.   5. GO SHOPPING Treat yourself to a shopping spree at the mall. You can even get in a few bicep curls with those shopping bags. GROW A GARDEN DUST AND VACUUM Cleaning the house is necessary, but you’ll be burning a few extra calories in the process!   13. USE A STEP- TRACKING DEVICE Find out just how many steps you’re taking in a day and dare yourself to do even more. 14. WALKING MEETINGS Skip sedentary meetings at your desk and invite your colleague to chat and walk with you.   6. 15. ASK YOUR CURVES COACH Challenge yourself to planks, pushups and crunches, while catching up on your favorite TV drama. Your Curves Coach is there to help you throughout your journey, so be sure to ask how you can increase the intensity of your workout.    7. 16. JOG IN PLACE WATCH TV AND WORKOUT SQUATS WHILE BRUSHING YOUR TEETH Make it a competition to do as many squats as you can in one minute while brushing your teeth.   8. RIDE YOUR BIKE  During recovery, jog instead of marching. a little friendly competition. 20. DO 5 EXTRA ROCK- STAR JUMPS We know you’re a rockstar! These jumps improve coordination and balance while increasing your heart rate.  21. SPEED UP YOUR JUMPING JACKS How many jumping jacks can you do in 30 seconds? Increase that number, even if just by one, during each sweat session at Curves.   22. GET YOUR KNEES HIGHER Push yourself to get those knees up to the sky while performing high knees.   23. SQUEEZE IN A PLANK BEFORE FINAL STRETCHES Before the last stretches, work your core with one last plank.   24. ADD KNEE TAPS TO YOUR PLANK Bonus points if you add knee taps to your plank before final stretches.   25. SPEND ONE EXTRA MINUTE STRETCHING Take an extra minute to yourself to breathe, relax and increase your flexibility with just one more stretch. 17. DO TWO EXTRA REPS Have a few extra minutes? You have time to do two extra reps on the circuit! Save on gas and skip the stressful commute by buckling on a helmet and pedaling to work. 18. SNEAK IN AN EXTRA CURVES CLASS   9. TAKE YOUR KIDS TO THE PARK From high-intensity boxing to core-strengthening balance, try one of Curves all-new classes.  Get active with your family by playing on the playground equipment with your children, kick a soccer ball or even play tag. 19. SET A WORKOUT DATE WITH A FRIEND   You’re less likely to skip out on a workout and might even inspire 13