ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 15
" is fascinating that you are
able to see a child’s Money
Personality at a remarkably
young age."
TWIN STUDIES. Birth order
books. Family reunions. These
are all great ways to ponder or
observe how similar or dissimilar
we are to our family members and
siblings. From facial expressions
to viewpoints, the similarities and
differences can be fascinating! candy forever. His or her Peeps
will turn to stone before they’d
consider consuming them all.
We also think it is fascinating
that you are able to see a
child’s Money Personality at
a remarkably young age. THE RISK TAKER
After many years of research and
work with thousands of families
we determined you are born
with your Money Personalities.
They are hard-wired into your
DNA from the start just like your
hair color or how tall you are.
Because those tendencies are
there from the start, you can often
identify a child’s Primary Money
Personality through observation.
One easy way to determine your
child’s Money Personality is to
watch them with their Easter candy.
Each Easter Americans buy over
700 million Marshmallow Peeps,
and 16 billion jellybeans. Add 90
million chocolate Easter bunnies
and you have either a stomach ache
or a great setting to identify your
child’s Primary Money Personality.
A child with a Primary Saver Money
Personality will hold on to their
A Spender child will get a
thrill from eating their treats
right away. Why wait?
A Risk Taker child will find
creative, new uses for their newly
acquired “commerce” of jelly
beans and chocolate and may trade
with cousins or fellow hunters
to collect the hard-to-find ones
or increase their stash of their
favorite color of jelly bean.
A child who is a Security Seeker
will save the best for last.
They’ll save their prize treat for
some perfect, future time.
A child who has a Flyer Money
Personality may amaze some adults
as they give away their spoils.
They care more about the fun time
spent with friends hunting the eggs
and candy than eating it all. They
enjoy the relationships and sharing
and won’t appear as competitive
as other kids on the hunt.
What Money Personalities
did you see in your children,
grandchildren, nieces or
nephews this past Easter?
THE MONEY COUPLE, Scott and Bethany
Palmer are regulars on national TV, radio
and speak internationally about “Love
and Money.” With 38 years of combined
financial planning experience Scott and
Bethany launched “The Money Couple”
and have dedicated their lives to helping
couples bring their love and money together.
Their “Make it Happen” slogan quickly and
radically changes lives. With their humor,
easy-going style, and practical approach
relationships are being saved worldwide.
Scott and Bethany enjoy an active lifestyle
living in Colorado with their two young
sons, Cole and Cade.
2017 FALL