! ! WOOF!
By Gina
Hello my name is Gina! Today I’m going to talk about how to take care of
dogs. I like dogs. I hope you do too. We are going to talk about what to feed your
dog, how to pick the perfect dog and what to buy for your dog.
The Perfect Dog
You have to go to the pet store and
find the perfect pet. I like big
dogs but you might like small dogs.
There are a lot of kinds of dogs.
There are Poodles, Doodles and mixes
and a lot more. I have a German
Short Haired Pointer. You can get a
boy dog or a girl dog. I have a boy.
I also have a Golden Doodle. It’s a
girl dog.
Buying Food
Now you need to buy food!
Yay more time to spend money!
Food is hard to get because
there are more kinds of food
than kinds of dogs. Some foods
are for small dogs like
Chihuahuas and other, some
foods are for medium dogs like
a German short Haired Pointer
and more. Big dogs are the
Toys. It’s simple as that.
Some dogs know how to
Just go to the store and buy
sit down and stay
lots of toys but don’t buy
because people train
stuffed animal toys. You can buy
them to do it. Once you
tennis balls, rubber balls,
get the dog you need to
train your dog. You need frisbees. Toys tire your dogs
to grab your treats, put out so he will go to bed, and it
gives him energy.
them in a bowl and tell
your dog “sit” and let
him see the treat. Give
Play, Eat, Sleep
the treat to your dog.
Do it until it works. Do
Now that you know how to take
the same with down and
care of a dog you should go do it.