Allstars News! Volume 2 | Page 2

SEVERE STORMS by Nicholas P. Buerkle February 12th, 2014 This newsletter is about HURRICANES and TORNADOES. I think we should start with hurricanes. The newsletter is about how they’re formed, and the damage that they cause. Hurricanes are big storms that start out at sea and then head toward a random continent. They cause tsunamis and floods. Sometimes people from the government fly airplanes into the eye of the hurricane. Tornadoes and hurricanes are formed when warm or possibly hot air meets cold air. The tornado or hurricane would then start out as a whitishgrayish funnel, slowly turning into a bigger, grayishblackish funnel. cover from these natural February 12, 2014 Volume VII disasters are away from the windows, or even better, the basement. The spot in the U.S.A. where tornadoes occur the most is tornado alley every year hundreds of people die. The states that are made up of tornado alley are Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa and part of Texas. Those were some wise words from Nicholas P. Buerkle. You’ll need those safety precautions to survive a tornado/hurricane. (This information is recommended for young adults who are struggling in their life). When a tornado/hurricane strikes, they usually cause a lot of damage. They still don’t cause much severe destruction, but they’re still quite dangerous. The average damage they cause is destroying houses and picking up trees. Each year, about a thousand tornadoes touch down on the states of the U.S.A. The best recommended place to take HURRICANE TORNADO