Alley Art Movement Issue 01 May/June | Page 23

“And when it started we were tongue-tied, taken, rather fond of being carried alight.” as sung in Torch, from their latest album, Young Adult Fiction. Despite what poppy sounds you’ll hear on their previous albums, Watkins says the majority of the songs he writes “are tinged with something dark or melancholic.” The distinguished line between their albums is the route Watkins took with YAF writing less on a universal note and getting personal by writing about actual events that were occurring during his life at the time. “’Torch’ is musically the happiest song on the record and lyrically the saddest (to me) so maybe I just have no idea what I’m talking about. At the end of the day, it’s all really just a mystery,” Watkins proclaims. “Don’t let anyone else define what success means to you.” Mobley: Photo: Moments Dipped in Chocolate Written by Stacy For about 3 years now, this Austin trio of music enthusiasts have been “shell shock shakin” the crowd with Alfredo Rios refining beats on the drum, Tim Shelburne adding rhythmic flare with the electric guitar, and soul-proclaiming vocalist Anthony Watkins to create charming melodies along with his keys dressed in black and white. “If you’ve never experienced Mobley live,” according to Watkins, “you can expect to see a lot of energy and passion.” Watkins’ understanding is technical since he has never been to a Mobley show as part of the audience but, rather, as a performer for the band. He strives to provide an experience the audience can not only enjoy, but connect with and experience. With the release of their 2012 album Young Adult Fiction, the band has been sinking their feet into the Midwest and east coast soil promoting their fresh take to their previous high-spirited resonance, Cold War Cold (2010) and Let Slip (2011). FRESH EXPOSED With deep-inflicting matters that permeate the music to a much more relatable degree songwriting for their audience, Watkins tells of one Mobley fan who synthesizes this connection on a much more powerful level for the band. During their tour this year, on Watkins birthday in February, Mobley slammed into two cancelled shows because of a power outage and a massive tornado which destroyed the town they were set to play. The events were overwhelming. Weeks later, one fan placed things into perspective for the band with one chocolate cheese pie, declaring her insight on the band’s struggles with their gigs “just follow through”. Because it was Watkins’ birthday, she wanted to try to make things just a little better. “I was incredibly touched that someone who, for so many reasons, owes me no sympathy, had gone out of her way to make my life a little better,” Watkins said. Last fall, this particular fan was diagnosed with cancer. She professed it was Young Adult Fiction (the new record) that was helping her through chemotherapy. Taking a deeper look, that one moment struck a positive chord in Mobley that night; they decided to continue to “push forward”. It made all of the difference as it motivated them to grow as artists and as a band leading to gaining praise from Ovrld as #6 Best Austin Album of 2012. “If you decide you care, then work as hard as you can for as long as you still feel that way. Don’t let anyone else define what success means to you,” said Watkins. Feel free to get involved for your own Mobley moment as they sweep into McAllen on April 26th at Opera Teatro Bar headlining with Philadelphia band, Eleven Eleven. Mobley Moments Favorite Moment on stage: Too hard. Way too many gratifying moments. My favorite thing that happens at shows, though, is watching the face of someone who's trying really hard not to have a good time as it slowly morphs from a scowl into a ????????)????????????????????!?????????9??????????????M????????MaM\??????%????)??????????????????????????????????????$????????????????????()  ,?11d((??((