All3_Scripted Formats Brochure_MINI_CATALOGUE_A5_JOOMAG SINGLES | Page 16


Some ties are stronger than others
Mammon is a thriller series in the spirit of “ All the President ’ s Men ”. In this story not all journalists are good and the hunt for truth is personal . Peter Verås is an uncompromising journalist in the most respected newspaper in Norway . He makes his life ’ s biggest mistake when he gets hold of evidence of a financial fraud from an anonymous source . It turns out the evidence points to his own brother . While in pursuit of the source the story breaks and his brother commits suicide . Peter tries to track down the anonymous source , only to discover that it was his brother himself . A search for the truth has commenced that involves media , high – ranked politicians as well as the financial elite . The closer he gets to the truth , the more dangerous it becomes for him and his brother ’ s family . An exciting thriller series about press and power that is first and foremost a personal story about the loss of a brother .
Duration 60 min , 14 scripts available
Produced by NRK for NRK , Norway
Produced in Norway , Czech Republic , Poland