I have chosen Instagram as my main platform for online advertising due to the popularity of hashtag's and the fact that it is most suited to my target customer. Instagram has more female users than men. According to HopperHQ.com, 38 percent of women use Instagram in comparison to just 28 percent of men.
Posting on instagram is a great way to reach potential customers and Instagram allows you to check the analytic information of your post and see how many women are visiting your page in comparison to men.
Facebook is a great platform to use to reach the older generation, this will benefit my brand due to wanting to reach a variety of different ages and wanting to get everyone involved with reducing animal cruelty within the fashion industry.
Facebook allows you to promote your posts which means the posts will reach more people and increase the likelihood of more potential customers.
As well as this, on the Facebook page, customers can leave reviews which will gain trust of others and increase sales and profit.