All Powerful All Powerful | Page 5

Keeping one’s emotional and mental self in a good state is very easy, you just need a lot of the following:

To help build self-worth, stop comparing yourself to others! Challenge that voice in your head that is always critiquing yourself and others.Once you challenge it, you will begin to see you for who you really are, rather than all the negatives. [1] Building self-esteem is as simple as believing in yourself and what you can do. Be optimistic, and whenever something puts you down, don’t let it put you down forever. Self-worth and self-esteem are similar, but different as well. Self-esteem is affected by outside variables, while self-worth is solely in yourself. By practicing self-advocacy, you stand up for yourself, and for others. Whether you think something is right or wrong, that is your interest, and you should stick up for it. Believing you can do something is self-efficacy, such as in the book with the train (The Little Engine That Could), he is always saying “I think I can, I think I can”. By having a positive outlook on situations, you will pull through them. Reason with the negative, and you will find that it comes around less.

By building your self, you become a stronger individual. You have a higher confidence in everything you do. And it shows, you become respected by many, as well as trusted. People seek you out for guidance and you offer them great advice. You become a leader, whether in your family, in your friend group, or at work. Then, as you become happier, people around you will become happier too. This positive environment that you are creating is having affect on other people. That little voice is happier too now. You are optimistic and believe in yourself. You also aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You, are finally you.



Photo courtesy of HDW

1 PsychAlive., (unknown) The Importance of Self-Worth. Received from:


Self-worth: What you feel you are worth as a human being

Self-esteem: confidence in one’s own worth or abilities

Self-advocacy: the action of representing oneself or one’s views or interests

Self-efficacy: one’s belief in one’s ability to succeed in specific situations