All Powerful All Powerful | Page 3

From the Editor


I chose the topic power structures after changing topics several times. At first, it was wolves, then government, then wolves again. I was asked to look deeper into why I am so passionate about wolves, and I found that it is because I like the way they work. The hierarchy is amazing. You have the alphas, and they are the leaders. Then all of the wonderful members below, with the omegas, and betas. Also how they all care for the pups of the pack. That wasn’t just it though. I couldn’t do an entire magazine on the hierarchy of wolves. I remembered that my passion was also of government. I had to ask myself: why? Why am I passionate about the government? Well it is because the way it works, but not in the way you would think. I don’t like the way the government works, I can think of so many better ways to do things.

This has grown so strong that I have become passionate with the dislike. I also noticed recently that I have begun to like sociology and human interaction. Wondering, why do they do that particular thing in this certain way? Also the way something works. Compiling this altogether, with the help of some others, I came up with power structures. But, as I always am, I was skeptical. Could I really create a magazine based on power structures? Yes, I can. It took a lot of decision making to finally find my topic, but I hope you enjoy the magazine it was based upon.


Phot Courtesy of Summer Witty