All Modules B1 Written Correlation with the Florida Early Lear | Page 94

Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards: Domain: Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Age: 4 Year-Olds A. Mathematical Thinking a. Spatial Relations 1. Demonstrates understanding of spatial relationships and uses position words (e.g., in front of, behind, between, over, through, under) Submission Evidence and Page Number(s) Development Matters in the Early Years • 23, 39 57 Monthly Modules 2, (page # vary each month) o Reminders, suggestions and related connections between monthly unit of inquiry and developmental needs Monthly Module 3, (page # vary each month) o Monthly set of suggested provocations and holistic activities to initiate engagement and create significant experiences 2. Describes relative position from different perspectives (e.g., “I am on top of the climber and you are below me.”) Development Matters in the Early Years • 23, 39 57 Monthly Modules 2, (page # vary each mon th) o Reminders, suggestions and related connections between monthly unit of inquiry and developmental needs Monthly Module 3, (page # vary each month) o Monthly set of suggested provocations and holistic activities to initiate engagement and create significant experiences 3. Understands and can tell the difference between orientation terms (e.g., horizontal, diagonal, vertical) Development Matters in the Early Years • 23, 39 57 Monthly Modules 2, (page # vary each month) o Reminders, suggestions and related connections between monthly unit of inquiry and developmental needs Monthly Module 3, (page # vary each month) o Monthly set of suggested provocations and holistic activities to initiate engagement and create significant experiences 111