All Modules B1 Written Correlation with the Florida Early Lear | Page 71

Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards: Domain: Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Age: Birth to 8 Months A. Exploration and Discovery 1. Responds in simple ways to people and objects Submission Evidence and Page Number(s) Development Matters in the Early Years • 16, 30, 41, 43, 47, 49 Monthly Modules 2, (page # vary each month) o Reminders, suggestions and related connections between monthly unit of inquiry and developmental needs Monthly Module 3, (page # vary each month) o Monthly set of suggested provocations and holistic activities to initiate engagement and create significant experiences Development Matters in the Early Years • 16, 18, 39 2. Establishes primary relationships Monthly Modules 2, (page # vary each month) o Reminders, suggestions and related connections between monthly unit of inquiry and developmental needs Monthly Module 3, (page # vary each month) o Monthly set of suggested provocations and holistic activities to initiate engagement and create significant experiences 3. Begins to actively seek out responses Development Matters in the Early Years • 39 Monthly Modules 2, (page # vary each month) o Reminders, suggestions and related connections between monthly unit of inquiry and developmental needs Monthly Module 3, (page # vary each month) o Monthly set of suggested provocations and holistic activities to initiate engagement and create significant experiences 88