All Modules 8-All Dressed - Module 2 | Page 5

5 To achieve this, it is important to make a detailed planning looking back. That way, we will see the macro objective, and then we will start to break down the planning to go from the more specific, which are the daily lives activities. The steps to achieve this are: 1. Reflect about VESS • What is VESS, how do I promote it in my class? • In what ways can the topic support it? • How will it look and feel in my classroom? • What do I need to keep in mind to achieve it? 2. Search for topics and projects that promote the development of VESS Human Units. This search has been done by the Edu1st.VESS team and sends them to you on a monthly basis to make the planning process easier. XXI Century Cognitive Communica Dimension tive Artistic Dimension Ethical and Moral Development Dimensions Personal Wellbeing Dimension Citizen Dimension Learning Dimension