All Modules 71-Colors | Page 5

5 Week 4: Discover and classify colors (shiny and opaque) Reinforce previous objectives 1. If you were one of the colors in this art work, ¿what color would you choose?¿Why? 2. Turn your back to the art work. Try to draw the objects or shapes as you best remember. ¿Why do you think you remember this objects or shapes in particular? classroom. 3-Listen to the story “Caterpillar Spring, butterfly” that mentions the metamorphosis of the butterfly. 4-Talk about the change of the Caterpillar and how the colors start to change according to its transformation. Through a song you incentivize the children to dramatize the transformation of the caterpillar, emphasizing the body´s expression and the faces gestures as the changes of the caterpillar take place until it becomes a butterfly. 5-Using the primary colors the children will be able to create the butterflies painting them with d2 different techniques, paint brushes and sponges; decorating the butterfly and recreating the way it flies. Experiment developing “Creating new colors and stamping shapes with sponges” 1.- Starting with the such as form, color, space, according to their projects of interest.