All Modules 47-Talking with Nature - Module 2 | Page 13

13 Mathematics Now is a good moment to widen your comprehension on mathematics. Traditionally we count the days of the week, the months in the year, the students in the classroom, etc. It is time to broaden and deepen our knowledge even more. Since they already understand counting and shapes at this age, ask them to count the veins in a leaf, the sides of a triangle, the sides of the plaza, the rings on a tree. Defy them: What do those rings tell you? Where are there more and where are there less? What makes them different? Invite them to predict. When you can predict you feel like you have more power, independence, autonomy, and you give them the will to focus on the activity since they know what to expect or look for. For example, it took five minutes to find 3 objects and supposedly we should have found 5. Even if you can’t explain this type of reasoning with words, we know that they are able to use it. How many petals does the flower have? Can we create a garden? Connect with the previous topic. At this age, the children obtain a great amount of self-confidence and self-esteem when they see their creations documented, celebrated and when they truly reflect their work and effort.