All Modules 46-4 Fantastic Elements of Nature - Module 4 | Page 9

9 5. Have your list of objectives ready before carrying out any activity. Be aware that your objectives can also change or increase along the week/month. 6. Promote cooperative work amongst your students. 7. Add values and ethics and make them evident for all. 8. Celebrate not only your achievements but also the processes and the effort involved. 9. Validate your thinking at all times. 10.Name your thoughts and use the vocabulary on the VESS disc 11.Keep your expectations very high 12.Give a name to the thought that your students are generating without fear that the vocabulary may sound too “complex”, if they are “considering perspectives”, celebrate how they are “considering perspectives”. 13.Give a name to the emotions that they experience during the process, validate them and take them into account permanently; these are the ones that determine if yours students are learning or not. The discipline that you teach does not matter, nor does the age of the students you work with. All that advice will strengthen the VESS culture that you are building in your school. A culture of thought is the necessary context to promote comprehension, to promote the pleasure to learn and to promote fair, balanced, wise and aware of their purpose in life. Enjoy the process. We wish you great success! The Edu1st team