All Modules 45-4 Fantastic Elements of Nature - Module 3 | Page 27

27 In the case of liquids, atoms vibrate at a higher speed, requiring more space, thus creating the liquid state. This state is characterized by its adaptation to the space that contains it. All liquids have a boiling point that converts them to gases. This point is the specific temperature that adds an enormous amount of energy so that transformation may occur. In the case of gas, the vibration of the atoms is such that the molecules separate from each other and the space required becomes greater. Gases don’t have shape or volume. Gases have a condensation point that makes them turn into liquids. Not all gases turn into plasma. In plasma, the heat is able to take the gas to a state of greater vibration where the electrons vibrate at such speed that they separate from the atom and generate a state of high conductivity where the electric discharges become visible as is the case of lightning and stars. It is a state that is very rare to see in our daily lives, but is part of the 4 fantastic that make up our nature and matter because 99% of the universe is made up of plasma. In general terms, you hear people talk about only three states but now we know there are four! This video clearly explains what makes each state be fantastic in our nature: Experiment the states of matter in yourself: Tool: Comprehension artifact and reporter routine Ask your students to stand side by side, as close as possible. Afterwards, ask them that according to you , they say hot, hot, hot, and move slowly and then following your words, make them move faster every time. Mark the zone where they began the movement and then after a moment, ask them to observe what space they occupy now.