All Modules 24-If i were an astronaut - Module 3 | Page 20

20 This “coffee” routine, where each one tells the other what they did and then they gather together to imagine what it was that others did to later ask them, is a routine that children enjoy very much. Foster social relationships, habits for listening, connecting, of finding the essence, of reflection, and of describing, amongst others. It is a very powerful routine for the development of the communicational dimension in the areas of pre – reading and writing. While the children want to understand, read, and in some cases predict or guess what they say in their work, they discover the importance of a standard and universal means of written communication. They discover the importance of writing clearly and learn that the message that you intend to give is not always received in that same way. That is why it is so important to be very sure of what you are intending to say and express it in the correct manner. It is a routine that additionally promotes the comprehension of the concept of differentiations, each one has his own ideas we grow as a team and as individuals.