All Modules 20-I am scientist - Module 2 | Page 11

11 • Offer interesting objects to explore. • Physical DevelopmentGross Motor, Fine Motor, Self-Help, and Health GROSS MOTOR • • • • • • • • • • Demonstrates progress in motor growth and development Show typical height and weight appropriate for age Rolling over, back and forth Cooing and vocalizing Develop regular sleeping habits Show interest in people and objects in direct environment Demonstrates beginning signs of balance, control, and coordination Gain control of body Turn head from side to side, kick feet, and move hands Sitting initially with support and later without GROSS MOTOR • • • • • • • Shows characteristics of appropriate health and development Show typical height and weight appropriate for age Demonstrates cooperation as they participate in daily routines Shows interest in people and objects in direct environment Develops increasing independence as they move around in a safe environment Actively participates in everyday health routines, such as hand-washing Begins to put away toys, when connections between topics or issues. Motivate students and encourage them to ask questions and provide wonders. GROSS MOTOR • • • • • • • • Demonstrates characteristics of appropriate health and development Show typical height and weight appropriate for age Uses large motor skills, such as running, jumping, galloping, kicking, throwing, dancing, and climbing Demonstrates increasing control of large muscles Continue to improve balance and control Pedals a tricycle with alternating feet Throws a ball overhead with some accuracy and direction Knows various