All Modules 19-Design and Technology - Module 4 | Page 7

7 3. Activities for 3,4&5’s • Options Explosion: This Thinking Routine is for creative decision making. Be imaginative and use ‘What if…’ questions. List obvious options and brainstorm all sorts of different options to find the ‘hidden’ options. Ask your child what have we learned about the situation from finding these options. Work with your child to identify and find solutions to solve a problem of your daily routine. Firstly, identify the problem. It can be a situation, the use of a product or something else. Use the Thinking Routine to list options to solve the problem. There would not be a decision unless there were at least two or three obvious options. Complete the routine and if you ended up that a new product is needed foster your child’s creativity and help them create that new product! Challenge this fun activity by giving them different options of the materials needed. • Claim – Support – Question: This is a reasoning routine. Children make a claim about a specific topic. Through exploration they are encouraged to justify and identify support for their claim. The routine will be completed once the children ask questions related to their claim. Encourage your child to make a claim about a technological device found at home. (It can be a computer, a coffee machine etc) Avoid guiding their thinking. Their claim can be anything. For example, the coffee machine is funny; the computer is so cool etc. Give them some time to observe and manipulate the object. Then they have to support their claim and at the end ask questions. For instance, what if I use the same machine to make juice? What are the other ways to use a computer? At this point, you can also add questions and challenge your child’s thoughts. • Creative Questions: A Thinking Routine for creating thought-provoking questions. Present and technological device found at home and explore its uses through creative questions. Ask your child: What is the purpose of this device? What are the reasons and the needs to use this device? What if we replace this device with something else? What would change if we change