ALL Magazine March 2017 | Page 67

It’s about one of those nights you just don’t forget and don’t want to end, when you meet someone from what started as a glance and turns into something more. You end up having the craziest night and the most unforgettable. It’s about the feeling and getting people to share the experience and have that connection but also have a glimpse into that moment in time, feel what you felt and just live in that moment. How many times has your lead singer been compared to Elvis Costello, vocally? Or, is it just me? This is the first time it’s been Elvis Costello; however, there have been a few others, but we will definitely be doing a comparison. I didn't think anything would replace Bright Eyes as my favorite of your songs, but I think Let's Run may have taken over the top spot on my LATBand playlist. How did that song come together? It was a song I had written when I first started out acoustically. It was always quiet close to my heart and I always had an idea for how I wanted it come out, when we changed into a band format. We got together and all decided we wanted it in our set, we brewed the coffee, got to work, found our sound, and now it is where it is today. Your guitar hooks are memorable and catchy. Who's the genius behind those? Aly and Kyle are behind that. They have a great rhythm, presence, and style and can really put our ideas on paper.