ALL Magazine March 2017 | Page 42

      Partisan: ASHES by heather paige Forever favorites here at ALL Magazine, our brothers in arms from across the pond, Partisan, are back up to their magical, musical shenanigans, this time with their rocktastic, bombastic, hard- hitting single, Ashes. We last featured Partisan in our October issue, when we got to hang with them as they came stateside to rock both New York (Pianos) and L.A. (Whiskey-A-Go-Go). Now, armed with new drummer, Leo Stanfield, Partisan is currently on tour. And, it seems, they may be heading stateside again. Ashes is a “full energy rock track designed to bring in 2017 with a bang.” Lead singer, Stuart Armstrong, is clearly in his element with the melodic, soaring anthem. While the guitars may drive the tune, the drums are by no means a silent passenger on this psychedelic journey designed to delight and sear the soul. Danny Albon's bass is masterful, and sets a steady, hard pace that demands that heads be banged and hair flung about. This is not a song for the faint of heart. You can keep up with partisan and their music on Facebook Partisan Soundcloud Twitter