ALL Magazine December 2015 | Page 3

Cindy: What beauty products can't you live without. Emma: I’m a creature of habit and I can’t do without Covergirl “instant cheekbones” which I use as an eye shadow and blush, Maybelline’s “royal blue” mascara and Revlon’s “fire and ice” bright red lipstick. I’m addicted to liquid eyeliner and am also a big fan of glitter – I’ve got enough glitter to sink a boat full of sailors. I love essential oils and keep bottles of lavender and sandalwood in my bag at all times. In another life I’m sure I was a hippy. Cindy: Tell me one piece of beauty advice your mother has given you. Emma: That true beauty comes from within…and don’t make ugly faces because the wind might change (and you’ll be stuck pulling an ugly face). Cindy: This is my favorite question!! What’s in your pocket book? Emma: I have to tell you not very much! I have a book, some oversized headphones, my essential oils, a notebook, three black felt tip pens, my check book, lipstick and some lyrics on loose paper. At various times there could be any number of pratical items jammed into my bag, including stainless steel traveling coffee cup, scarves, head bands and or hairspray, sunglasses, business cards…you know, the usual. Thank you for visiting my house of style Emma!